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Built for Enterprise. Priced for Everyone.
Platform Cost

The monthly cost to access every part of the Sylo platform.

100,000 words generated
Multi-Channel Sequence Builder
Manage Inbound Messages
Voice / IVR Automation Builder
OpenAI Sales Assistant
Lead Management Dashboard
Conversion Tracking
Unlimited Integrations
250 Identity Matches Included
Identity Match Cost

You pay only when we identify a a new, unknown visitor.

100,000 words generated
Price Per Match
Frequently asked questions
Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.

Is it legal to send emails to people who have not opted in?
As long as you have formatted your emails correctly with your company information and an easy way to opt out. This is not legal advice (our lawyers make us put this), but you can easily search on the internet for reference. Here is a good article explaining it.

What if I do not run paid social ads?
You can connect your own Twilio and SMTP server account and use Sylo to automate all your messaging at a very low cost. We charge additional fees (which we pay to OpenAI) to use GPT4 to handle your inbound messages at .01-.03 cents per response.

How do I get more credits?
Once you balance falls below a certain amount you will be automatically billed a deposit amount you set. This will ensure your account keeps running without interruption. You can also buy Identity credits in bulk at discounted rates in our marketplace or speak with a account representative.

Do I need a developer to install Sylo?
No. Setting up Sylo requires zero code other than being able to place a pixel code on your website. Most landing page builder and websites have easy instructions on how to do this.